Usagi na Panic tells the story of two rabbit-eared adventurers: the spunky warrior Ramy and her magician companion Usami. They travel around and solve the troubles of the citizens they encounter during their journey.
You play as Ramy, who has an oddly extensive move-set including a running stab, a fireball, and a bomb with rather dubious utility.
Download: Usagi na Panic [T-En by ruiko, shru vRC1].zip
Usagi na Panic can be played without installing it. Most people will likely be satisfied running it that way.
(This section needs work...)
Move | 4 and 6 |
Jump / Climb | 8 |
Run | hold Z |
Sword | X (stand still for a stronger attack) |
Dashing Stab | X while running |
Magic Bullet | Z + X |
Bomb | X + 2 |
Dive Kick | X while holding jump |
Defend | 2 + 4 or 2 + 6 (defends in opposite direction) |